Featured Projects

woman on phone

Engaging health insurance members to take action

The American healthcare system is confusing and difficult to navigate. This makes it challenging for people to use their benefits and get the care they need. 

We’ve helped several health insurance companies design behaviorally motivating communications and campaigns to engage members and drive key health behaviors.

💡Behavioral insights It is paramount to simplify complex health information to make it more accessible and motivating. And we also design user journeys that focus on “next best actions” to guide members toward better health, one step at a time. 

Increasing Referrals To Diabetes Prevention Programs

1 in 3 Americans has prediabetes, but most don’t know it. Luckily, prediabetes is often *reversible* with lifestyle changes. 

We increased registrations to Diabetes Prevention Programs  (DPPs) by simplifying the website, focusing registration on wins and positive outcomes, and providing an engaging and surprising physician education kit, where DPP referrals were framed as a prescription. 

💡Behavioral insights: We led with program benefits, created a feeling of belonging and community, and helped them identify with their personal prediabetes risk. We also integrated the referral into the physician workflow and leveraged physician peer influence.

Empowering people with Type 2 diabetes to care for their heart

Diabetes is a disease that impacts the mind as much as the body. People with diabetes are already overwhelmed by decisions, fear, and guilt. 

Throwing more education, to-do’s, and shame someone’s way does not make anyone take action. So how can we help people take better care of their heart health?

💡Behavioral  insights: We guided the campaign away from fear-based appeals towards more positive, encouraging messages to bolster healthy behavior change.

Motivating People To Book Life-Saving Cholesterol Tests

Thinking about having high cholesterol or a heart attack is stressful. And it can make people avoid getting vital cholesterol checks.

We designed an in-person event activation to help people identify with their risk, learn about LDL (bad) cholesterol, and leave with a reminder to book their test.

💡Behavioral  insights: Rather than leading with fear, we created an inviting event centered on a game of mini-golf. The game was designed to drive curiosity about the players’ cholesterol levels, and opting-in to play also gave them a chance to opt-in to an appointment reminder.

Helping A Biotech Giant Transition To A Hybrid Work Model

When it was finally time to return to the office after a global pandemic, many companies were faced with a tough decision — should we? 

To assess whether this well-known biotech company could thrive with a hybrid model, we conducted 20+ interviews with diverse employees and stakeholders to uncover behavioral barriers and provide a recommendation.

💡Behavioral insights: For this company, the primary disadvantages of hybrid were social factors, like spontaneous collaboration and recognition, and the main advantages were emotional factors, like autonomy and job satisfaction.

A laptop showing a slider to donate to a charity

Helping People Set More Meaningful Fundraising Goals

How can the design of a fundraising experience influence user goal-setting?

We developed and tested a new, interactive goal slider that enhances the immediate emotional connection to the impact of donations. As users increase their donations using the slider, they visually encounter more happy beneficiaries, directly linking their generosity to its positive effects.

💡Behavioral insights: Donating behavior is driven by emotional rewards, yet often feels disconnected from the tangible benefits it creates. By making these outcomes more vivid and emotionally engaging at the moment of giving, we can motivate larger donations.

People enjoying a training

Behavioral Design Trainings and Collaborative Workshops

Many projects and campaigns can benefit from the power of behavioral design, nudges, neuroscience, psychology and behavioral economics. 

We regularly teach marketing, customer experience and communications teams how to use these powerful lenses. 

💡Behavioral insights: We share a simple model your teams can apply to ANY problem. It teaches them to strategically remove behavioral barriers and design more engaging solutions. With our hands-on workshop style, everyone gets to practice using the model in their work. 

A computer screen showing a user journey

Behaviorally Reimagining The Entire User Journey

For many organizations, communications with users can become overly siloed and repetitive. With different internal teams sending out so many messages, consumers get inundated, don’t take action and eventually unsubscribe.

We helped our client streamline their communications into a hierarchy of prioritized CTAs and corresponding messages.

💡Behavioral  insights: By conducting a behavior analysis of the full journey, we were able to help the client cut the clutter. By reducing the overall number of messages and then making each one that was sent actionable, users were better able to pay attention and engage. 

handfuls of colorful vegetables

Making healthy lifestyle changes more appealing

So many health campaigns emphasize, “Do ALLLL the things,” but they don’t result in lasting change. 

We helped the American Heart Association develop a new lifestyle brand to encourage people to engage in SMALL, actionable, persistent behaviors to support healthier eating, sleep, stress reduction and exercise habits.

💡Behavioral  insights: We strategically chose high impact health behaviors to focus on, and created versions of those behaviors that were most likely to be tried and adopted. Additionally, we designed the look and feel of the brand and its campaigns to evoke strong, positive emotions. 

Making health equity easier to talk about in the boardroom

Does your zip code can affect your life expectancy? YES, by up to 20 – 30 YEARS! Yet many in leadership roles are shy to talk about health equity and the role they can play in making things better for their employees.

Employers have the power to support the physical and mental health of their employees which is not only good for people but also good for a company’s bottom line. 

💡Behavioral insights: We strategically re-framed the discussion to lead with the values and needs of company leaders. Additionally, we used a narrative/storytelling approach supported by key statistics to put the issues in perspective and present a clear path to action. 

Teaching you how to build habits that Actually stick

We can all start a habit but why is it so darn hard to stick with it? There is so much well-intentioned, but misguided advice out there. The 90-day thing, nope, not true. “Just power through it,” is also not true. 

With the American Heart Association, we developed a video series to help people build sustainable habits according to the latest research. The series was broken into small chunks: Habit Myths, Habit Loops, Right Routine, Right on Cue, Right Reward, and Failure Recovery. 

💡Behavioral insights: People don’t fail because of a lack of motivation or willpower. They fail because they believe in myths. But you can learn to design the core habit loop to work with you, not against you.

Measurably improving workplace well-being

A recent survey shows that the vast majority (82%) of employees sometimes feel burned out. This chronic stress can lead to heart disease, stroke, anxiety, and major depression.

Luckily, organizations like the American Heart Association are working hard to provide the resources employers need to tackle this issue.  We helped to translate key resources and findings into actionable guidance.

💡Behavioral insights: Improving well-being at work requires systemic change. Rather than sharing a general list of improvement policies, we focused on a simple, single action – completing a workplace wellness assessment. This helps companies identify their gaps, establish a starting point, and build investment and momentum in the process.  

People working with a page of metrics data

Behavioral Testing for your User Journeys

It’s a complex task to figure out what types of messaging, images or appeals will best motivate your audience at a given time.

We conduct a behavioral analysis of your user journey and audience segmentations, and provide a recommendation for your content. 

💡Behavioral insights: We uncover and analyze the hidden barriers and motivators influencing your audience at key moments in the user journey. Based on these insights, we can design and test concepts to see how they resonate with, and motivate your audience. 

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Let's Talk!

If you’re working on a project for a large-scale social good, let’s talk. You’ll be surprised by how much practical insight we can offer, in a short phone call.

Our proprietary models and processes enable us to achieve results that nobody else can. Let’s discuss how we can make your project a success with the right science and the right partners on your side.

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